Donnie DeWees has been an international professional sand sculptor for the last 35+ years. Seeing the ephemeral nature of sand sculpture as being the antithesis of architecture, he has helped propel the art form from its infancy in the early 1980’s on the beaches of Southern California to the world-wide status that it has obtained now. Sand sculpting has taken Donnie as far as Kamaishi, Japan and to twenty different U.S. states.
“You borrow sand from the ocean for a short time, you make something wonderful from it, and then you return the sand to mother earth. It’s the most earth-friendly art form there is.”
Donnie DeWees – Sand Scultptor – circa perpetually
“Sand Sculpture is an inherently collaborative art form. It’s not only the collaboration with a client, the audience or the crowd and the artistic connection with fellow sand sculptors…it’s a collaboration with the tides, the sea and the wind. Sand Sculpture is ephemeral by nature and serves as a reminder…that so are we.”
Donnie DeWees – Sand Scultptor
DeWees Design / Sand Sculpting Studio is a new venture having been born from the last 35+ years of having worked with some of the finest sand sculptors on the planet.
DeWees Design / Sand Sculpting Studio can provide unique visuals and experiences for any of the following types of events:
E-mail, call, or text us to find out more information on availability, costs, logistics and how the DeWees Design / Sand Sculpting Studio can make your large public or small private event unique and more memorable.
Phone: (949) 246-2809